ShockBlockers Insole Inserts Testimonials

What are people saying about ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts?
Thumbs Up: Aerobatic performer and retired airline pilot, Julie Clark holds one of her shoes and gives a "thumbs up" for her ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts. Julie says, "ShockBlockers Insole inserts are in my shoes, always."
Wingwalker uses ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts.

"When I'm Wingwalking I don't walk very far, but my feet get tired fast because I'm one of those rare people who take my Gs standing up! That's 3 or 4 time my weight going right to my feet. ShockBlockers Insole Inserts from Oregon Aero keep my feet feeling as though I'm weightless!" — Teresa Stokes, Stuntwoman and Wingwalker
Satisfied Marine
"I have used [ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts] every day and have been delighted...They instantly made my feet cooler and I was sweating less, which proves dividends for my foot hygiene...They have enhanced my effectiveness." — 1st LT N.W.P., USMC
Orthopedic Surgeon Benefits
"As an orthopedic surgeon, I have tried numerous insoles from closed cell foam to gels to custom molded innersoles. I have never experienced the instant and lasting comfort from any other product that I get from ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts]. From the first step, I was aware of the difference. At the end of a long day on my feet, the comfort and shock absorbency persist. They fit easily into my shoes and, surprisingly, are even comfortable when worn without socks." — Eliott Schiffman, M.D.
I was skeptical...

"I had been limping, due to a chronic heel spur that was causing much pain. Oregon Aero℠ SkyDancer pilot Steve Oliver noticed and insisted that I try ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts. I was skeptical, having tried many brands of over-the-counter insoles. The VA doctors had even ordered prescription drugs and orthopedic devices for my malady. None offered much relief. Well, I’m starting my third week of using your product, and even after four days of standing on the ICAS convention floor and then pulling six days at my hobby of substitute teaching high school students, I am now a full convert — the heel spur pain is gone. I now feel, at the bottom of my foot, that I’m also sponsored by Oregon Aero. Thank you for the ShockBlockers Insole Inserts!" — Hugh Oldham, Air Show Announcer, Anderson, SC
Triathletes Benefit!
As an avid cyclist, runner and swimmer, my body takes a pounding, so I need as much support and cushioning as I can get. When I first tried ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts] I was skeptical. But after a few workouts, I really noticed a difference. Now I can push my body even further. This is a fantastic product!” — K. L., triathlete
Pain Relief

"I have bad knees [hangover from early parachuting experiences]. My left knee...often begins to ache pretty badly when I have to do a lot of walking or standing on concrete. After our flight we were walking exhibits when the pain became almost intolerable. I stopped by the Oregon Aero booth and Mike [Mike Dennis, Founder, President & CEO& of Oregon Aero] was kind enough to fit some shoe inserts for me. Almost like magic, the pain eased, and by the time we walked back to the warbirds area, about a mile, the pain was gone! — Lou Drendel, Lima Lima Flight Team (retired)
Worth It
“I bought these ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts] just to try them out. I originally thought they were maybe a wee bit pricey, but after using them I hold they are probably worth 10 times what they cost — they are fantastic, like walking on cushions ALL the time. I’ve used mine DAILY for over five months now and they show NO signs of even wearing or flattening out. I’m ordering a set for every pair of shoes I have.” — J.E.
Nothing Short of Magic
"I have two of the world’s worst feet. In fact, my feet are so flat they leave embarrassingly oblong footprints walking in the sand. Standing or walking on the concrete ramps all day at air shows used to hurt so bad, folks started commenting that I actually started limping noticeably by closing time. For years I used to wear special arch support shoes and medical grade insole pads but frankly, nothing much helped. I came across the ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts] and my foot pain has all but been eliminated. Frankly, I think they are nothing short of magic and I now have them in every shoe I own!" — Coy Jacob, Aviation Consumer Consulting Editor
The Pain is Gone

"I had arthroscopic surgery on both knees on March 13, 2006. My recovery was gradual with some fairly good days and some bad days. I used crutches at first, a walker for awhile, and then a cane for a few months. By September, I walked without the cane on most days, but I continued to have pain each and every time my feet hit the ground. As Chairman of Wings & Wheels 2006 at Shelby County Airport in Birmingham, I have forged a great relationship with Steve and Suzanne Oliver — okay, Pax too! While at the Show on Saturday, I was having a particularly bad day and was using my cane again. Steve could not help but notice and gave me a pair of ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts] to try. When I stood up, I walked to my car and put my cane away. I continue to use the ShockBlockers [Insole Inserts] daily. Occasionally, I still need my cane if the weather turns sour quickly, but for the most part, my pain is gone when I walk. While the ShockBlockers Insole Inserts will not turn back the years, they certainly have made a difference for me. I would recommend them for anyone who experiences impact pain from walking." — Michael M. Jared, Columbiana, Alabama
Constantly on my Feet
I just want to let you know that as a member of the Base Honor Guard, I am constantly on my feet. Since I put the ShockBlockers® [Insole Inserts] in my shoes [With built up soles and steel toes], I can stand at attention all day long to render military honors. Thanks a million. — J.H. — SrA USAF IN ANG
Satisfied Firefighter
“...I absolutely love the ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts. They are amazing and awesome! I put them in my firefighting work boots [that I wear for 12 hours a day] and what a huge difference they make. I will be ordering more for all my shoes — especially my running shoes!” — TN, Firefighter/EMT
Not your normal inserts
"The shock transmitted to the foot is greatly lessened. Pretty amazing...These are definitely NOT your normal inserts you buy at the sporting goods store." —