SoftSeat® Portable Cushion Testimonials
You Forget you are using it...

One of our pilot friends sent this photo of an Oregon Aero® SoftSeat® Portable Cushion with lumbar support atop his Airbus 321 seat, along with a great comment: "I love it, works great and the biggest threat is it works so good you forget you are using it. The message there is, guard it with your life! Great product and remarkably comfortable."
Comfortable and Fatigue - Free Flying
"I just want to thank Mike and company for the SoftSeat® portable cushion. I flew a 1965 Piper Pathfinder 235 from Westerly, RI to Rapid City, SD over 14 hours. I appreciate the hours of comfortable and fatigue - free flying thanks to your seat! Now if only you could have made the heater work better..."
Allowed me to Drive Totally without Problems…
"Back in Aug. 2014, your folks hand made me my custom SoftSeat® to help my back/hip pain driving long distances; well after using it for over a year, on many long distance drives, some over 3000 miles, I have nothing but a deep appreciation for you all. It saved me tens of thousands of dollars, and allowed me to drive totally without problems… Thanks so very much."— AI
Helicopter Pilot Flies Pain-Free

"I have two ruptured discs, and flying for more than an hour was next to impossible before I bought your portable seat cushion. I just completed a 15-hour painless day recently that would have been impossible before"— B.R., Bell JetRanger pilot
An Extra Boost

"Besides being so wonderfully comfortable hour, after hour, my 2" [Oregon Aero®] SoftSeat® Cushion Base and Full Cushion Back from Oregon Aero give me, at 5'1" that extra leg-length and height boost I need for better visibility when flying our team's Twin Comanche to airshows. Thanks!— Teresa Stokes, pilot and airshow wing walker, Gene Soucy Airshows