Oregon Aero CRM/AMRM Training with Randy Mains
Helicopter Accidents Happen — but they don't have to.
Oregon Aero’s CRM/AMRM Training Program offers comprehensive training that can help improve safety, reduce the accident rate and save lives. Contact us for more information and course bookings.
Oregon Aero's CRM/AMRM courses
Under chief CRM/AMRM instructor Randy Mains, we offer two training courses, initial and yearly recurrent, which satisfy all FAA, EU-OPS, JAR ICAO, Canadian and CAMTS requirements. Both are single-day, eight-hour seminars held at your site.
Initial Facilitated One Day: An intensive seminar covering everything from human error and reliability to company safety culture, team building, decision-making, and communication.
Recurrent Facilitated One Day:The eight modules of this course are designed to keep teams current. Course focuses on key areas as such as stress, information acquisition and processing, communication, and leadership.
Who Benefits?
CRM/AMRM training benefits each and every member of your flight team and anyone else who may have an influence on the successful outcome of a flight, including:
- Chief pilots and Line pilots
- Chief flight Nurses
- Executive Administrators
- Directors of Operations
- Medical Directors
- Safety Officers
- Maintenance Staff
- Program Managers
- Communications Specialists
- Operations Managers
- Pilots, Flight Nurses, Paramedics, and Physicians
- Field Services and Local Agencies
Unlike online courses, Oregon Aero’s CRM/AMRM Training Program offers:
- Comprehensive, face-to-face training at your site.
- Training performed by certified CRM/AMRM instructor, assessor, and facilitator Randy Mains.
- Courses meet all FAA, EU-OPS, JAR ICAO, Canadian, and CAMTS requirements.
Upon completion of the course, each attendee receives:
- A certificate of Completion
- Oregon Aero/Survivors Network Challenge Coin and Calendar
- Signed copy of Randy Mains’ book, Journey to the Golden Hour
- Discount coupons for Oregon Aero products
Randy Mains, Certified CRM/AMRM Instructor

Photo Courtesy Kaye Mains
Randy Mains is a distinguished and decorated combat pilot who has earned numerous awards including: The Distinguished Flying Cross, Twenty-Seven Air Medals, and the Bronze Star Medal for his service during the Vietnam War with the 101st Airborne Division. Randy has served as a simulator instructor, a flight examiner, and is curently a certified CRM/AMRM instructor, assessor and facilitator. Randy has logged more than 13,000 flight hours and has also been a senior instructor for Bell Helicopter.
For decades, Randy has been a pioneer in HEMS(Helicopter Emergency Medical Service). He has been involved with setting up a country-wide HEMS system in the Sultanate of Oman. Randy has also flown as a HEMS pilot for the king of Saudi Arabia and helped the country set up a HEMS program. Randy is the author of two books that deal with HEMS in America: The Golden Hour and The Reluctant Activist. He also writes a monthly column for Rotorcraft Pro Magazine. For more information about Randy Mains visit his website at RandyMains.com.
What are you waiting for? Enroll Today!
For course bookings and more information about Oregon Aero’s CRM/AMRM Training Program, contact Oregon Aero at 800-888-6910.